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Will cold weather affect my heart condition?

Winter brings on colder weather than can affect your circulation and put extra stress on your heart. Read our simple tips for staying warm and keeping your heart healthy as temperatures drop.

How does cold weather affect the heart?

When it gets cold our bodies adjust to hold onto our core heat and stay warm. This adjustment can be harder for those with a heart condition. 

The cold weather takes away your body heat so your heart needs to work harder to keep you warm. Your blood vessels will narrow so your heart can focus on pumping blood to your brain and other major organs. 

Cold temperatures can cause:

  • your heart rate to increase
  • an increase in blood pressure
  • your heart to work harder than usual
  • your blood to thicken, which in worst cases can lead to blood clotting. This increases your risk of heart attacks and strokes
During winter, it’s important to know the effects of cold weather on your body, and the risks for your heart health. Elderly people are especially vulnerable in winter months.

Is it safe for me to go outside when it's cold?

You can go outside when it is cold, but it's important to wrap up warm. Wear plenty of layers, as well as a hat, gloves and scarf. If it is particularly chilly, you may want to minimise the amount of time you stay outdoors. 

If you have heart or respiratory problems, cold air can make it harder to breathe. So it’s best to avoid exercising outdoors on days when it is particularly cold. There are still lots of exercises you can do indoors that can help to boost your mood and keep your heart healthy.

What can I do to protect my heart this winter?

Follow these 7 simple tips for staying warm and protecting your heart this winter:

  1. If possible, keep the room where you spend most of your time heated to at least 18°C. Layer up with socks, jumpers and blankets. A hot water bottle or an electric blanket can help you to keep warm at night. Discover 6 budget-friendly ways to keep the heat in.
  2. Wear lots of thin layers, rather than one thick layer. This will trap the heat in and keep you warmer. A hat, scarf and gloves will also help maintain your core heat.
  3. Remember to keep moving while you're indoors, to build up your core temperature and boost your immune system. 
  4. Have warming meals and healthy hot drinks to give your body the energy it needs to keep you warm. A bowl of home made vegetable soup can be healthy and filling. You could also try our healthy dinners for cold winter nights.
  5. If you get angina (chest pain), wear a scarf wrapped loosely around your mouth and nose or wear a face mask, so you breathe in warmer air. This may help to limit your symptoms if they get worse in the winter.
  6. Learn how to make your home more energy efficient, and receive any financial help that you’re entitled to, such as the Cold Weather Payment, by contacting the Winter Fuel Payment helpline on 0800 731 0160. Citizens Advice have useful advice on making your home energy efficient.
  7. If you feel like you’re coming down with a cough or a cold, try to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Get advice from your GP or pharmacist with regard to over the counter remedies as some may not be suitable if you’re taking medication. 

How can I protect myself from flu and Covid?

In the winter months, the chance of catching the flu (seasonal influenza) increases. Both flu and Covid-19 can be more serious for people with heart conditions.

Vaccines are the best form of protection we have against these viruses. It's important to make sure you're up to date with any vaccines that you are eligible for, including Covid-19 boosters and the flu jab. 

Talk to your GP or practice nurse about having your flu vaccine. It’s free if you’re aged 50 or over or have certain health conditions. There are also other factors that mean you can have the jab for free if you're not in those groups.

If you’re aged 65 or over or have certain health conditions you’re also eligible for the pneumococcal vaccine

Are you finding it hard to get medical help?

We know that many of you are experiencing delays to treatment at this time, or have questions and concerns about getting medical help. We've created this set of information to help you with these issues.

Who is most at risk during cold and flu season?

If you have a heart condition or are elderly, you may be considered vulnerable in winter months. But if you take the steps to stay warm and look after your immune system, you’ll give yourself the best chance of a quick recovery even if you do catch a winter bug.

It's harder for elderly people and very young children to regulate their own body temperature. This puts them at higher risk in extreme weather. As well as protecting your own health, always remember to keep in touch with elderly and vulnerable friends, family and neighbours during cold snaps to make sure they’re warm and comfortable.

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Page last updated: December 2022

Next update due: December 2024

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Fluid restriction for heart failure in hot weather

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